
Sunday Scedule

9:00 AM - BREAKFAST: Every Sunday, we gather to eat breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. This is a great opportunity to spend time getting to know the church family and makes getting ready for church a lot easier because you won't have to cook breakfast before church! The best part is, it's free!

9:45 AM - SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE STUDY: There are several Sunday School / Bible Study classes available, ranging from pre-school up to our senior adults.

11:00 AM - MORNING WORSHIP: Led by Pastor Tom Grantham and Bro. Doug Long.

11:00 AM - CHILDREN'S MORNING WORSHIP: Chilren leave Sunday School and go directly to Children's Church where they have the opportunity to experience a service that is geared more towards their age group. Led by Matthew and Rebecca Walls..

12:30 PM - PURPOSE MISSION CHURCH: Purpose Mission Church, an outreach of Purpose Baptist Church, was started to serve the growing Korean population in Lee County, Alabama. Led by pastor Kwicheol (Paul) Shin, the services are held each Sunday afternoon at 12:30 PM and combine both Koreans and Americans. Joseph Shin, Paul's youngest son, translates the sermon into English for the benefit of non-Korean speaking people in the congregation.

4:45 PM - CHOIR PRACTICE: Choir practice usually lasts about an hour and is led by our Minister of Music, Bro. Doug Long.

6:00 PM - EVENING WORSHIP: The evening worship service is led by Pastor Tom Grantham and Bro. Doug Long.


Wednesday Schedule

11:00 AM - MORNING BIBLE STUDY: Our Wednesday morning service starts at 11 and is over by noon. We meet in the Fellowship Hall. We start off by bringing to the congregation's attention those people that need or have requested prayer for the circumstances in their lives. They include our church family, home family, friends and co-workers. We pray for these people. After our prayer time we have our mid-week Bible study. Led by Pastor Tom Grantham.

6:00 PM - EVENING BIBLE STUDY: If you are unable to attend the morning bible study, the same bible study from Wednesday morning will be repeated on Wednesday evenings. Led by Pastor Tom Grantham.





Come and join us in an atmosphere that is warm and inviting; there's something for everyone. A nursery is provided for babies 0 - 2 years old, toddler nursery for ages 3 through kindergarten, children's church through the 6th grade, and a youth Sunday School class for grades 7-12.


Expect to feel welcome.


Expect to get uncompromising, solid biblical teaching.


Don't expect to feel like a number and lost in a crowd.

"Come and find your purpose."